This week I have another great episode for you! I was lucky enough to get a pioneering midwife on the podcast (I was thrilled that she said yes to my invite!!) and as you will learn, she really has done some amazing work to create change, particularly in the area of policy related to optimal cord clamping.
Please do share this episode and it’s links/resources with those pregnant women around you. It’s such an important topic and this information needs to get out! As you will hear when you listen to the episode, it really doesn’t take much to wait before to clamp the cord, doesn’t cost anything and has so many be benefits for the newborn.
Amanda has been in Midwifery practice for over 27 years. Although most of her practice has been in Leeds, she also worked as a Midwife in New Zealand, experiencing a very different model of Midwifery care.
Over ten years ago Amanda began to challenging the practice of immediate cord clamping after realising that this common routine practice had absolutely no evidence base and deprived babies of valuable stem cell enriched full blood. Amanda has campaigned for a change in practice from immediate cord clamping to delayed cord clamping and has seen all national and international guidelines change their guidance to recommend this. Amanda is a co-inventor of the award winning Basics/Lifestart trolley, which enables vulnerable babies to be ventilated whilst the umbilical cord is kept intact to ensure they receive their full blood benefit. Amanda has written many articles and talked at numerous events about optimal cord clamping and changing practice and fully harnessed the power of social media by participating in an international network of midwives, doctors, birth-workers and parents who share and disseminate the latest in research and education regarding optimal cord clamping.
Amanda has been nominated and won several awards for her work in this area including Midwife of the Year 2015, British Journal of Midwifery and Midwife of the Year 2012, Yorkshire Evening Post. She works with and supports midwives in other countries to enable them to give informed choice and practical guidance in optimal cord clamping.
Amanda’s Links:
George Morley –Pediatrician USA
Research showing immediate cord clamping caused irreparable brain damage on monkeys and link with Autism
Judith Mercer (Midwife) – “Immediate cord clamping was depriving the baby of up to 30% of its blood volume”
Paper from Judith Mercer:
Judith Mercer : Rethinking placental transfusion and cord clamping issues.
Ola Andersson ; Effect of delayed versus early umbilical cord clamping on neonatal outcomes and iron status at 4 months: a randomised controlled trial.
Ola Andersson ; Effect of Delayed Cord Clamping on Neurodevelopment at 4 Years of Age: A Randomized Clinical Trial.
David Hutchon : Link to his research articles here
Amanda’s Tips/Resources
Website: Blood to Baby
Amanda’s Contact Details
Twitter @optimalclamping
Facebook Page – Optimal Cord Clamping / #WaitforWhite
Personal Facebook – Amanda Burleigh
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